Series: The Triad of Magic
Pages: 204
Time to read: 1h9m
Pages/hour: 177
Date read: Sun 3 Apr – Mon 4 Apr 2022
Rating: 🐺🐺🐺🐺
Macy Blake’s original series…
So, this was an early work of Blake’s that she republished (originally published under the pen name Poppy Dennison) and I got for free through a massive giveaway last week. (Seriously, I have so many books – and I know I’m avoiding the ones that are the first part of a series that ISN’T in Kindle Unlimited because, well, I’m reading two-three books a day right now and at £3-£6 a book, that shit gets p r i c y.)
I think, if you’re a fan of Blake’s, you’ll definitely notice some of the usual themes shining through. In fact, there are definitely plot-related parallels between the beginning of this book and Sweet Nothings, a prequel to her The Chosen One series. Children have been kidnapped and our unsuspecting protagonist comes to their aid, meeting an alpha wolf in the process.
The similarities do pretty much end there, however. The Triad of Magic is an entirely separate series, set in a separate world with mages and types of magic (hence the title) and our sweet couple – Simon and Gray – are hugely pivotal to this and the two books that follow.
So, what about that couple?
Simon is a sweet mage who isn’t really that good at being a mage, but who goes to help some of the shifter cubs when he senses them trapped nearby. By bringing them back to Gray, he finds himself embroiled in a conspiracy far, far larger than himself – but one that he is needed to solve.
There’s plenty of hot scenes, and plenty of adorable ones when Gray’s son, Garon, is thrown into the mix – and if the relationship moves a little quickly, well, that’s par for the course with a shifter romance. I definitely felt like Simon was a little bit naive when it came to the people around him, but that seems fairly in character, so maybe that’s why I found it a bit annoying.
Gonna give this one four adorable wolves: 🐺🐺🐺🐺
I really enjoyed this, and checking out the blurb for the next book kept me excited to read more of the series. But I think if you’re looking for a way into Blake’s work, then starting with her The Chosen One series (and I recommend the box sets, because the Hellhound books are all included, too) is probably a better bet. Again, they’re not perfect books, but I think there’s a notable difference in the characters (what she’s really good at) and the plotting that shows the way her writing has strengthened over time.
Still, this was a quick read – so if you want your shifter fix, have at it!